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・You may metion the name(s) of the vb(s) when you use it(them).
・You may pay attetion to the copyright of the music you cover.

・Doujin,edit character in your works,make couple.
・Edit vb files and post your works using edited vb(s).
・Make Oto MAD.
・Make R15 works,which include indecency,sex,violence,blood expression,alter(bad),etc. .But you may warn these.
・Make works about quoting,stating and explaining religious culture and legend.
・Make cosplay costume for yourself.Cosplay free.
・Make characters deriving from these vbs and gender alter characters.

※OK but ask for permission first

・Use the vb to perform/voice other characters.
・Distribute edited vb (files).
・Doujin events.Sell hobbies.
・Commercial cosplay.
・Meke vbs for your deriving characters.

・Use the vb or works using it for AI training or voice exchange.


・Use the vb to perform/voice other characters without the permisssion of the author.

・In the absence of express permission from the author(s), use tag(s) which is(are) like "UTAU中華組",  "UTAU海外組", etc. when being the main or appearing frequently in a work.
・Make Kichiku.
・Make works conflicting with the provisions of Country legislation or moral norm.
・Make works about advocating or vilifying religions.
・Make works about Politics.
・Make R18 works,which include indecency,sex,violence,blood expression,alter(bad),etc. .But you may warn these.
・Redistribute or usurp these vbs&characters.Use these vbs&characters in commercial ways without permission.
・When you use these vbs,you may not conflict with the laws,endanger network security or damage the legitimate rights and interests of the third party.Otherwise you may acceptance of risk all yourself.

The copyright on these vbs belong to author(s).

*All the vbs&characters belong to Whien if there's no indication.

The right to interpret this rule rests with the author(s).

© 2023 by Whien. Proudly created with

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